Effective Anti-Aging Tips You Would Be Glad To Know

Avani H. Sheth1*, Dhrubo Jyoti Sen2 and Naman B. Doshi2

1SAL Institute of Pharmacy, Opp. Science City, Sola Kalol Highway, Bhadaj, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

2Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Shri Sarvajanik Pharmacy College, Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Arvind Baug, Mehsana-384001, Gujarat,



All of us wish to postpone our grey days. But one day we will reach old age whether we like it or not. But even in our old age also we can flaunt young look. This possible by following certain important steps regularly. Anti Aging tips helps us to know what the effective ways to slow down aging process. Who likes graying and reducing hairline, wrinkled face, protruded belly and above all flawed memory? We all want to look young and feel energetic all the time. Aging cannot be stopped but it can be delayed by following healthy lifestyle. Elliptical trainers are a great way to keep your healthy lifestyle in order by staying physically fit. There are ancient therapies and modern treatments that effectively reduce the effects of aging. Before knowing anti aging tips for healthy skin care, we need to understand and accept the facts. We try to slow down aging by following certain lifestyle, behavior, treatment, medicine, surgery and therapy. The topical wrinkle reducing product market is exploding. It generated over $1.5 Billion in sales in 2007, with that number expected to double by 2010. You do not have to look far to hear about these types of products. There is huge interest in this market and advertisements can be found everywhere, from TV, to radio, newspapers and magazines. While the majority of these products are marketed to female consumers, surprisingly, our research indicates that men account for approximately 25% of this market. It seems that women are no longer the only gender searching for the fountain of youth. In this article we offer our readers a comprehensive list of anti-wrinkle products based on our evaluations. Assessment included review of the following product attributes: long term effectiveness for wrinkle reduction; instant reduction of fine lines and wrinkles; antioxidant protective properties delaying skin cell aging; skin renewal and collagen stimulating properties; and skin smoothing and firming properties. Based on the outcome of our evaluation of these product attributes we ranked each product accordingly.



During the research, the skin care specialists provide useful tips that contribute to achieving and maintaining younger looking skin, including the following:

·         Be certain to consistently apply the product(s) you choose in accordance with its directions for use;

·         Pay special attention to your neck and hands while applying the product(s) you choose, as these areas reflect your age;

·         Always use sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15;

·         Drink at least eight glasses of water a day to stay well hydrated;

·         . Avoid excessive intake of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as they may contribute to dehydration and exacerbate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles; and

·         Be sure to get adequate rest every day.




The term Antioxidant refers to a group of organic substances, including vitamins C and E, vitamin A, selenium (a mineral), and a group know as carotenoids-beta-carotene being the most popular and well known carotenoids. Carotenoids are the pigment compounds that give many fruits and vegetables their vibrant colors. Antioxidants are believed to be effective in helping to prevent cancer, heart disease, stroke and a variety of other ailments associated with natural aging. Specifically antioxidants prevent ailments by destroying free harmful radicals inside the human body. Left unmanaged, free radicals can damage cell walls, genetic material within cells and other cell structures. Over time such damage may lead to disease. Again, antioxidants are believed to assist in preventing disease by destroying free radicals before they get the chance to do harm to our body. A few studies have shown that smokers with diets high in carotenoids have a lower risk of developing lung cancer relative to smokers whose diets are low in carotenoids. However, another study indicated that some beta-carotene takers, primarily smokers, actually had a higher death rate. Additional research has suggested that diets high in carotenoids may help lower the risk of breast cancer. Vitamin C has been shown to prevent the formation of N-nitroso compounds (cancer-causing substances from nitrates found in some foods). Many healthcare specialists claim that the elderly, especially those with a reduced food intake, heavy drinkers, frequent aspirin users, smokers and individuals with immune problems may benefit greatly by taking daily antioxidant supplements. It is also possible that higher level of antioxidants may aid in preventing certain life threatening diseases. The human body produces a number antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase, and catalase that destroy many types of harmful free radicals. Supplements of these enzymes are available for oral administration. However, absorption of these enzymes is most likely minimal at best. Supplementing with the components the body requires to make these enzymes may be more effective. These include the minerals manganese, zinc and copper for SOD and selenium for glutathione peroxidase. In addition to SOD, glutathione peroxidase and catalase, many vitamins and minerals are effective antioxidants in their own right, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, lutein, lycopene, vitamin B2, coenzyme Q10, and cysteine (an amino acid). Herbs, such as grape seed, bilberry, turmeric (curcumin), ginkgo, milk thistle and green tea also contain powerful antioxidant compounds. Many experts believe that the best way to provide the body with the most complete protection against free radicals is to consume a large variety of antioxidants.1


Healing and Anti-aging Effects of Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera Health Benefits:

Inside the aloe vera leaf is a thin, clear, jelly-like material that is famous as a skin salve. Skin healing requires the increase of blood flow to the injured area, and aloe vera dilates capillaries, which increases blood circulation and speeds healing. Aloe vera is an especially effective treatment in cases of frostbite. It helps heal all sores, from canker sores to bed sores, as well as burns, abrasions, herpes lesions, hives, insect bites, stings, scalp itchiness, psoriasis, and sunburn pain. Wounds heal more quickly, and infection and scaring is often prevented. Aloe vera also protects our skin from exposure to ultra-violet radiation. There are even claims that it can eliminate warts. Aloe vera has amazing anti-inflammatory action in the digestive system. It reduces heartburn, soothes peptic ulcers, eases constipation, and has potential as a treatment for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. In our immune system, aloe vera juice can reduce tumor mass and inhibit metastasis (spreading) in some types of cancer. It has the ability to stimulate our immune capacity owing to its high content of acemannan, the major carbohydrate of aloe leaves and gel. Acemannan may even mimic the function of AZT, making it a treatment for AIDS patients. Aloe "shows preliminary signs of boosting aids patients' immune systems and blocking the human immune-deficiency virus’ spread without toxic side effects. Aloe juice made from both the skin and gel of the plant can also reduce blood sugar and triglyceride levels in diabetes mellitus patients.


Aloe Vera Health Nutrients:

Aloe vera juice contains a wealth of vitamins, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, and choline, minerals, calcium, chlorine, copper, germanium, iron, magnesium lactate, manganese, potassium, silicon, sodium, and sulfur. But its uniqueness lies in its wealth of phytochemicals such as the organic acids chrysophanic, salicylic, succinic, and uric, polysaccharides such as acemannan, enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase, and various resins. There is an extra bonus with aloe vera: you can grow it indoors. No green thumb required. It is attractive and easy to maintain, and when you want to try its magic, just break off a piece and rub the gel on your skin. Or, throw some in your juice along with your favorite fruits. Aloe vera juice is easy to add to your homemade smoothies or fresh squeezed juices. Aloe vera has been used by millions of people worldwide throughout the ages. Empirical evidence accumulated in accolades like 'miracle plant' and 'burn plant'. Aloe vera is a species of Aloe, native to northern Africa. It is a stemless or very short-stemmed succulent plant growing to 80-100 cm tall, spreading by offsets and root sprouts. The leaves are lanceolate, thick and fleshy, green to grey-green, with a serrated margin. The flowers are produced on a spike up to 90 cm tall, each flower pendulous, with a yellow tubular corolla 2-3 cm long. The plant contains a complex mixture of molecules. With all 300 different types of molecules are out of the capsule, Aloeride® goes to work. Broadly speaking the action is threefold and interconnected: anti-inflammatory, immune-modulatory and tissue healing with the target being mostly epithelium (tissue that separates tissue cells from air). Of course the first point of contact of these molecules is the alimentary canal, so it is hardly surprising that Aloeride®'s molecules show their effect there first. Because Aloeride®'s molecules also are absorbed into your bloodstream; they also find their way to peripheral tissue. Thus Aloeride® exerts effect way beyond the alimentary canal and causes powerful inside-out healing, the only route for safe wound healing and 24/7 skin care. Just how broad spectrum aloe vera works is underpinned by good research: anti-aging treatment, acne treatment, cell growth, anti-inflammatory effect, anti-microbial effect, effect on burns, anti-diabetic effect, cardiovascular and lipid effect, anti-aging effect and response to UV light, wound healing, gastrointestinal effects and immune modulation. Various information on anti-aging, antioxidants, health and nutrition information. If you're really serious about fighting the war against aging, you'll want to take advantage of every advance that science has to offer. You should optimize your antioxidant defenses with vitamins, minerals, and plant-based phytonutrients. They work at the cellular level to protect against free-radical damage, especially to your vital cell membranes and DNA. Nutrients like biotin, riboflavin, zinc, copper, manganese, MSM, and grape seed OPC extract, which has been shown in studies to block bad body enzymes that can lead to wrinkles and a prematurely aged appearance. You want to take ultra-purified fish oils that feature a high potency of DHA, an essential omega-3 fatty acid that helps to nourish and protect your brain and nervous system. Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are also crucial to cardiovascular health. Immune support is crucial in the fight against aging, and can be achieved with advanced levels of ph-balanced vitamin C complex, carotenoids, and shiitake mushroom extract-Reverse Anti-Aging support. Support your normal healthy vision and protect your precious gift of sight with eye-specific antioxidants such as beta-carotene and selenium, and the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin. They can help to protect against age-related can help to protect against age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the leading cause of blindness in people over age 50.


Glutathione the Ultimate Anti-aging Treatment:

To facilitate anti-aging requires understanding aging. With this knowledge making the changes in life style and diet that can enhance the anti aging process. For the sake of clarity, anti-aging in reality is aging management.


Theories of Aging

Activity Theory The more active people are the more likely they will be happy.

Continuity Theory With aging people will tend to maintain the same habits, personalities, and life style that they have developed in earlier years.

Biological Theories

Wear-and-Tear theory Aging associated changes are the result of chance damage accumulating over time.

Accumulative-Waste Theory The buildup in cells of waste products that presumably interferes with metabolism.

Autoimmune Theory Aging results from gradual decline of the body’s autoimmune system.

Cross-Linkage Theory Aging results from accumulation of cross-linked compounds interfering with normal cell function.

Free-Radical Theory Free radicals (unstable and highly reactive organic molecules) cause cell damage that results in symptoms we associate with aging.

Cellular Theory Aging can be explained by structural and functional changes in the cells of an organism.

Here are some anti aging notes you might enjoy.


The Anti-Aging Diet:

Yet if you're trying to look your best without going under the knife, a secret ingredient might be right under your nose. Some experts say one answer to aging gracefully can be found in the grocery store: in fruits, vegetables, green tea, and a host of other healthful foods that are rich in antioxidants and other potentially age-deterring compounds.


What Is Aging?

Of course, the signs of aging include not only wrinkles, but also memory loss, decreased brain function, and an increasing risk for chronic diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, and cancer. Healthy aging is also defined as living a longer, healthier life. And many studies have documented the link between a healthy diet and prevention of age-related or chronic diseases. Adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity, adequate rest, avoiding tobacco, and a diet full of healthy foods and beverages can be the best defense against aging.2


Antioxidants and Inflammation:

Some foods and beverages contain powerful substances called phytonutrients that some believe are capable of unlocking the key to longevity. Phytonutrients, which are members of the antioxidant family, gobble up "free radicals" - oxygen molecules that play a role in the onset of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's disease. As we age, we become more susceptible to the long-term effects of oxidative stress (a condition where the body basically has too many free radicals) and inflammation on the cellular level. The theory is that antioxidants and other age-defying compounds help cells ward off damage from free radicals and minimize the impact of aging.


Beyond antioxidants, some other compounds in foods can affect aging. They can be classified according to their impact on inflammation at the cellular level, experts say. "All foods fit into three categories: pro-inflammatory, neutral, or anti-inflammatory," says dermatologist and best-selling author, Nicholas Perricone, MD. Perricone says you can help to slow aging at the cellular level by choosing foods that are anti-inflammatory and rich in antioxidants. "Age-related changes may be reversed by consuming foods and beverages that are rich in a variety of compounds, including antioxidants, and are anti-inflammatory, such as cold-water fish and richly colored fruits and vegetables," he says. On the other hand, foods classified as pro-inflammatory can accelerate aging, Perricone says.


If "we eat large amounts of saturated or trans fatty acids, sugars, and starches, insulin levels surge and trigger an anti-inflammatory response and accelerate the aging process," says Perricone. While the benefits to eating healthy are many, Perricone notes that diet is certainly not the only factor that affects the aging process. "Stress, hormones, ultraviolet light, and a weakened immune system also contribute to aging," he says. Still, making smart lifestyle choices are within your control, and are among the best things you can do to help prevent disease and retard aging.

Anti-aging creams are predominantly moisturizer based cosmeceutical skin care products marketed with the promise of making the consumer look younger by reducing visible wrinkles, expression lines, blemishes, pigmentation changes, discolorations and other environmentally (especially from the sun) related conditions of the skin. Today, the most effective products are formulated using the best quality care ingredients in cosmetology, inspired by biological compositions naturally present in human skin. Those compositions, often depleted by age, usually enjoy an excellent skin tolerance and are easily absorbed by the skin. Despite great demand, many such products and treatments have not been proven to give lasting or major positive effects. A decrease in wrinkle depth of 10% is typical. However, recent studies show that some ingredients have an effect. Traditionally, anti-aging creams have been marketed towards women, but products specifically targeting men are increasingly common.3



Some anti-wrinkle creams contain some form of retinol (for instance, in the form of retinyl palmitate) which in various formulations has been shown to give a "rejuvenating" appearance to the skin, in that it stimulates the renewal of skin cells and reduces dark spot. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta hydroxy acids (BHA) have a peeling effect when usedas chemical peels. However, the effects of these compounds likely depend on their concentration and mode of application, making the effects of the commercial products less certain. Some other common ingredients are Boslowox, Peptides, Q-10, anti-oxidants, and sunscreens.


Alternative approaches:

The best results come from following a formal anti-aging treatment program, as opposed to the single product approach, based on the use of moisturizers with the complimentary exfoliation and renewal capacity of AHA fruit acids (Alpha Hydroxy Acid) which help to dissolve the intracellular "glue" that holds the dead cells together on the skin. The use of this type of product on a daily basis gradually enhances the exfoliation of the epidermis and stimulates the production of fresh skin cells to compensate for the missing ones. This gradual renewal process exposes a more moisturized skin with less sun damage. This means a lighter complexion, fewer pigmentation spots and less marked wrinkles. It is important to note that most treatment programs require the use of an effective UV skin protection (SPF 15 or higher) during use of such acid based creams. There are also a range of alternative cosmetic treatments for the appearance of wrinkles on the skin such as plastic surgery and botox injections. Advertising sometimes presents anti-aging creams as an alternative to these more costly and invasive cosmetic treatments.


In time glutathione will become a household word. In the future the Glutathione Disease Cure will become an integral part of mainstream medicine. Here you will learn what Glutathione is and what it can do for you. The tri-peptide glutathione is in every cell in our body. What is glutathione you say? Well, I had not heard of it either and I am a Registered Nurse. Still, it is there and it is essential for numerous health reasons and disease treatments.4


The Essential Health Aid:

Glutathione does a lot of things for the body. If white blood cells were likened to an Army that fights infection inside our body, then glutathione would have to be the Marines. It is the Essential Health A-I-D for the human body.

It is the essential

·         Antioxidant cellular defender.

·         Immunity boosting protector at the cellular level.

·         Detoxifying warrior for each and every cell.

Glutathione provides defense from free radicals, oxidative stress, toxins and disease. You will learn more about these later. The Glutathione Disease Cure site is an educational resource.

Find out how you can-Increase your glutathione levels, What supplements could be a waste of money, What foods help your body make glutathione, Which meds to avoid because they break down glutathione, The relationship of Glutathione to specific disease and, Clinical Trials that show the benefit of boosting glutathione.


Ok, but does it cure anything? Wait, is the glutathione cure one of those What your doctors do not want you to know about cures?

Resveratrol (3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene) belongs to a class of polyphenolic compounds called stilbenes. Some types of plants produce Resveratrol and other stilbenes in response to stress, injury, fungal infection, and ultraviolet (UV) radiation. It is found in the skins of certain red grapes, in peanuts, blueberries, some pines (Scots pine, eastern white pine) and the roots and stalks of Japanese knotweed (hu zhang in China) and giant knotweed. Resveratrol supplements are the latest antiaging fad. Aging is breakdown, but broken things can be fixed. Aging is characterized by a progressive deterioration of physiological functions and metabolic processes. The healthy reputation of dietary antioxidants just got more support, with one type turning in a spectacular anti-aging performance. Research studies continue to find more interesting benefits from this red wine compound, including potential anti-cancer and anti-aging activity. As to its antiaging potential, resveratrol activates a cell's survival defense enzyme, which prolongs the time cells have to repair their broken DNA. Newspapers, magazines and TV over the last few years have been filled with news of the anti-aging, antioxidant and seemingly miraculous properties of red wine. Wine lovers are probably already aware that red wine contains a powerful antioxidant: resveratrol.

Resveratrol appears to work as a powerful antioxidant helping quench free radical damage in the body, but also has a unique mechanism of action that may prove to have significant life extension properties. Antioxidant resveratrol action is very important for the heart health because it can reduce the blood pressure by opening the arteries hence increasing the blood flow through them.5 Antioxidants slow down cell damage and the progression of degenerative diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's and improve organ, eye, skin, teeth and gum health. The primary health component of wine that researchers have uncovered is called resveratrol. Resveratrol is also found in a number of other foods and berries, such a peanuts and blueberries but grapes, particularly winemaking grapes such as Muscadine, are the clear winner. Resveratrol maintains cell viability and exerts an anti-oxidative action by enhancing the intracellular free-radical scavenger glutathione. Resveratrol is an active polyphenol found in red wine that has anti cancer effects. Resveratrol is known to fight cancer tumor growth. Resveratrol protects heart tissue from cancer chemotherapy drug. Resveratrol is known to be protective against oxidative cardiovascular disorders. Resveratrol protects the circulation in the heart and other organs in several ways, including protection against ischemic-reperfusion injury, relaxation of blood vessels to improve circulation, protection and maintenance of intact endothelium, reduction of hardening of the arteries, inhibition of low-density lipoprotein oxidation, and suppression of platelet aggregation which improves blood flow and reduces blood clotting. Resveratrol helps lower cholesterol, and is as much as 10 to 20 times more potent than vitamin E in protecting against LDL oxidation, a process that has been linked to the development of cardiovascular disease. Resveratrol in wine is known to prevent blood clots and widen (dilate) blood vessels, sometimes producing Viagra-like effects. Resveratrol pills should ideally be consumed with meals, since this is when insulin and blood sugar levels rise and when oxidation is high.


Resvinatrol Complete contains the powerful red wine antioxidant, resveratrol, called « The Fountain of Youth » in a formula that includes several other important antioxidants. Resveratrol, just one of the powerful antioxidants in Resvinatrol Complete, is being heralded by scientists and researchers as an anti-aging miracle drug that can help ward off the effects of age-related diseases such as cancer, heart disease, strokes, obesity, diabetes and Alzheimer's. Resvinatrol Complete provides today's health-conscious consumers with an exciting combination of powerful antioxidants found in red wine, chocolate, pomegranates, red raspberries, and soy. Resvinatrol complete combination of antioxidants is unmatched by any other antioxidant product on the market today.6

Everyone becomes old one day. Premature aging is caused due to inadequate nutrition for many years due to poor dietary habits. Jayson Hunter of Prograde Nutrition reveals the top three anti-aging vitamins for women. He believes that vitamins for women are essential because our bodies need certain amounts of vitamins to produce healthy cells and repair damaged cells as we age. Hunter explains, “Vitamins for women have been an excellent source of great health for many years. Recent studies have shown that vitamins for women are needed to promote healthy cell rejuvenation and anti aging”. He adds, “It is important that vitamins for women are recognized as essential supplements to our daily diet which provide anti-aging and numerous other health benefits”.

Here are Hunter’s top three anti-aging vitamins for women:

(1) Anti-oxidants – These have powerful anti-aging properties. Vitamins for women must include natural sources of antioxidants such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries and grapes.

(2) Vitamin B3 and B6 – Both these vitamins from the B complex family aid the anti-aging process. Including a multivitamin with the right combination of vitamins for women can prevent the effects of aging in women.

(3) Other vitamins such as vitamin E and selenium have anti-aging properties and are essential for overall good health, skin and healthy cell regeneration. Green tea is also a good source of vitamins and minerals with anti-aging properties.

The anti-aging benefits of vitamins for women are just too overwhelming to ignore and women need to consult their registered dietitian to decide which vitamins are best for them.

Reduced aging process will slow down to certain extent. Ginseng is a perennial herb and the root of ginseng is utilized for medicinal and other purposes. The main benefits of Ginseng are:

·         Ginseng relaxes and reduces the effect of stress.

·         Ginseng stimulates us in both physical and mental activity.

·         Ginseng strengthens and protects us during any severe physical strain.

·         Ginseng is widely adapted for treatment, which has earned itself the name of “Adaptogen”.

·         Ginseng has property that reduces stress level, blood sugar and cholesterol.

·         Ginseng is considered safe food and is approved by FDA.

Gynostemma Pentaphyllum (Jiao gu lan)

Gynostemma pentaphyllum has properties similar to Ginseng herb. Jiao gu lan contains substances called gypenosides. The plant contains ingredients very similar to those found in ginseng but three times the properties than Ginseng herb. Research shows that Jiao gu lan has a wide range of actions in the body.

·         Jiao gu lan has overall effect in helping to balance and regulate body systems.

·         Jiao gu lan normalize cardiovascular and hormonal systems.

·         Jiao gu lan has antioxidant properties that supports circulation and immune systems.

·         Jiao gu lan is softer on females than ginseng.


Isolagen anti-ageing treatment:

Every year your skin thins by around 1% as collagen production cells diminish. The Isolagen technique uses your own cells to generate new collagen to plump skin, smooth scars and fill wrinkles. A skin sample is taken from behind your ear and fibroblasts are isolated and cultured so millions of new cells grow. After ten weeks your newly grown skin cells are injected back into your skin where they replace lost cells and start producing new collagen, followed by a second treatment 5-7 weeks later. A local or topical anaesthetic is given to minimize any discomfort during the biopsy and the injections. After the procedure there could be some mild irritation and pain. Isolagen treats frown lines, wrinkles round lips and eyes, scars caused by acne etc. The best thing about the Isolagen technique is that the results of Isolagen treatment on your skin can last for up to six years.


Restyline anti-ageing treatment:

In this treatment, a very fine needle is used to inject tiny amounts of Restylane gel into the skin. This gel is made from biosynthesized hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in all living organisms and provides volume and fullness to the skin. The Restyline is good for lifting lines, wrinkles, plumping lips. It usually takes around 50 minutes and no skin-tests are needed. Usually the results are instant. The Restyline lasts 5 to 10 months for wrinkles, and 6 months for lips. Restyline treatment can be used for wrinkles correction, lip enhancement, correcting fine lines, it is also used for shaping facial contours.


Microdermabrasion anti-ageing treatment:

Microdermabrasion is a general term for the application of tiny rough grains/crystals to buff away the surface layer of skin. The Microdermabrasion is more than exfoliation, but gentler than a chemical peel. Micro-fine mineral crystals are air-blasted onto the skin with a vacuum pump to shift dead cells and blocked pores so skin is left fresher and smoother. The most common types of crystals used are corundum or aluminum oxide. With this treatment a high-speed mini-sander is used to remove the top layer of the skin. After the procedure the skin looks brighter and feels clean and soft, lines seem less pronounced. Dermabrasion smooth wrinkles, refine and clear enlarged pores, clogged pores, and face acne scars. The standard treatment lasts around an hour, with optimal results after 5 weekly sessions.



Botox anti-ageing treatment:

Botox is the brand name of a drug formulated from the natural proteins of botulinium toxin type. Botox is the most popular anti-ageing procedure in the world. Injected into the muscle, it binds on the nerve endings and blocks impulse that make muscle contract and cause wrinkles.


Botox specifically produces:

·                     a softening of the facial creases and folds that result when certain facial expressions are made

·                     a restored balance in cases of facial asymmetry due to inadequate muscle action or inaction in the face. Botox works best on brow, frown lines and crowвs feet. If the lines are too deeper, it is often used in conjunction with filler or with facial peels. The treatment usually takes 5 to 6 minutes and the effect takes one week to reach its peak and last for about six months. Botox is administered by specially trained, board-certified plastic surgeons, facial plastic surgeons, dermatologists. RHODIOLA ROSEA (Russian Rhodiola, Golden root) - Anti-Aging Medicine of 21st Century. A large proportion of all aging diseases (perhaps 70-80%) is believed to occur because the stress level is too high, and/or too long-term. High-stress modern living is probably the main factor causing chronic disease and premature aging. Fortunately, Mother Nature has an answer to this challenge - a unique class of herbal products called "adaptogens". Adaptogens have the broadest spectrum of healing properties of any herbal medicine, but their unique value is that they specifically relieve stress. Adaptogens were discovered in 1947 by the Russian scientist Dr. Nicolai Lazarev, who in fact coined the name "adaptogen". Dr. Lazarev was also the mentor of Dr. Brekhman, who conducted extensive research on adaptogenic herbs. Dr Brekhman's first major focus was the now well known Panax ginseng, also called Korean or Chinese Ginseng. This worked, but unfortunately it has a few drawbacks that have since become evident. It sometimes has side effects such as causing constipation and over-excitement which for some people is too stimulating. Dr. Brakhman soon moved on to other herbs and became recognized as the world's leading expert on adaptogens. Since then, hundreds of experimental and clinical studies on adaptogens have been done - most of them in Russia and Germany. Most of these studies have shown the outstanding stress-protective and immune system enhancing capacities of adaptogens. You may be familiar with the names of what are now called "first-generation" adaptogens: Panax Ginseng, American Ginseng, and Eleutherococcus senticosus (Siberian Ginseng). But in this article I want to tell you about a unique adaptogen of the "second generation", Rhodiola rosea (Russian Rhodiola), which is a powerful anti-aging phyto supplement with adaptogenic and anti-stress activity. In Russia, Rhodiola rosea also known as "Golden root", has been used for centuries to cope with the cold Siberian climate and stressful life. But before describing this unusual herb, let's say a few words about stress itself.

How do you feel? The main effects of adaptogens are an increased availability of energy during the day, a reduction of stressed feelings, increased endurance, greater mental alertness, and deep and restful sleep. Also, adaptogens significantly accelerate the recovery process after illness.7


The three phases of stress progression:

(1) Alarm phase - When some new stress factor strikes the body this causes a sudden release of internal stress-hormones - corticosteroids and catheholamines. If the stress is very intense it can damage the regulatory systems of the body permanently and immediately (for example in the case of exposure to high levels of nuclear radiation); but if one is lucky, or if the person takes adaptogens, than it is possible to smoothly progress further to the "adaptation phase".


(2) Adaptation phase - If the stress factor continues (for example, in sport it might be heavy athletic training) our body learns to tolerate the stressful stimulus - "adapt" - and increases its resistance to the stress factor. The "adaptation phase" is usually a safe period. The longer we can stay in the "adaptation phase", the better.


(3) Exhaustion phase appears, when the body fails to fight stress anymore and simply gives up. In this "exhaustion phase", disease symptoms rapidly appear and get worse.

Diseases associated with stress may appear in the first "alarm phase", but they mainly appear in the third "exhaustion phase" when the body cannot fight stress anymore. This third phase usually develops after a period of months or years. Everything depends on the duration of the "adaptation phase". Sometimes the body may be fortunate and escape this third phase altogether, provided it can keep the stress under control. It is possible to do this by taking adaptogens; they can help you to stay in the "adaptation phase" for as long as possible. Taking Rhodiola rosea extract, can make coping with stress much easier! When regularly taking Rhodiola the initial "alarm phase" of your stress will smoothly progress to the "adaptation phase". Rhodiola rosea can help you to stay in this safe "adaptation phase" for a much longer time or even permanently, so preventing your body from proceeding further to the extremely dangerous "exhaustion phase".


Scientific background:

Promising "second-generation" adaptogen Rhodiola rosea (Russian Rhodiola) is a perennial plant with red, pink, or yellowish flowers. It has no biological relation to the "common" rose, but due to its similar fragrance it has been used as a substitute for Attar of Roses. One of the greatest things Rhodiola does is enhance mental and physical performance. It has been widely used by Russian athletes and cosmonauts to increase energy. Rhodiola is cardio-protective, normalizing the heart rate immediately after intense exercise. It improves the nervous system and mental functions such as memory, by increasing blood-supply to the muscles and brain, and it also increases protein synthesis. Rhodiola rosea has extraordinary pharmacological properties as an anti-mutagen and anti-depressive agent. In this respect Rhodiola rosea is much more powerful than other adaptogens. Rhodiola rosea extracts reduce significantly the yield of cells with the chromosome aberrations in vivo and inhibit unscheduled DNA synthesis induced by N-nitroso-N-methylurea in-vitro. It is emphasized that Rhodiola rosea extracts have rejuvenative properties due to their ability to raise the efficiency of the intracellular DNA repair mechanisms.8

ROSAVIN formula
Pharmacological activity - quality matters! Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola Rosea is also one of the widely adapted herbs belonging to the “Adaptogen” community of herbs. The main properties and utility are:

·         Rhodiola has anti aging phyto supplement

·         The main active properties of the extract are rosavins and cinnamol alcohol glycosides.

·         Rhodiola Rosea has anti stress properties and it increases the energy level.

·         Rhodiola Rosea stimulates our immune system.

·         Rhodiola Rosea raises resistance power of body against toxins.

·         Rhodiola Rosea has been working towards increasing mental performance and physical performance.

·         Rhodiola Rosea helps in breaking down of fat stored in the body. It is therefore added in slimming tablets and medicines.

The Russian medicine has given Rhodiola Rosea to its cosmonauts, soldiers, sportsmen and ageing political leaders as an effective anti-aging medicine.


There are products on the market that contain Rhodiola rosea. But unfortunately these products often have only limited or even no biological activity at all. Common reasons for these deficiencies are bad harvesting during the wrong season, harvesting from a climatic region not suitable for the plant or from a bad geographic area, harvesting wear species of the plant, also over drying, or using an inferior extraction method. The manufacturing process also is a key factor in the preparation of a high quality adaptogenic extract, as is the selection of high quality raw materials using proper assay methods. The main active components of true Rhodiola rosea that is responsible for the extraordinary potency of Rhodiola rosea are cinnamyl alcohol glycosides, especially ROSAVIN - cinnamyl-O-(6-O-L-arabinopyranosyl-D-glucopyranosid) and SALIDROSIDE. Quality Rhodiola rosea extract should contain at least 3% rosavins and 1% or less salidroside. Rhodiola rosea stimulates the immune system in two ways: FIRST - by specific direct stimulation of immune defense (stimulates one of the most important type of immune cells - Natural Killer Cells, NK-Cells seek and destroy the infected cells on our bodies). Rhodiola rosea normalizes the immune system by improving T-cell immunity. Rhodiola has been shown to increase the body's resistance to toxins that may accumulate during infection development. By making a person less susceptible to stress. Scientists found out that stress suppresses immunity and destroys our resistance to various forms of bacterial or virus attack. Due to the natural killer cell's effect on tumors Rhodiola rosea may enhance B cell immunity by preventing the suppression of B cell immunity, which can occur during stress. Being under stress, a great portion of the body's energy is expended for nothing. When we are chronically exposed to stress that continually robs energy from other systems. The general effect is a lowered immune response and decreased health. Rhodiola has been used in connection with fatigue, mental performance and athletic performance (to improve endurance). The Russian medicine has traditionally given Rhodiola rosea to its cosmonauts, soldiers, sportsmen and ageing political leaders as an effective anti-aging medicine. Russian Rhodiola helped them to improve cognitive functions and physical performance. Prevention of development of fatigue, asthenic states, catarrhal seasonal diseases; Use in comprehensive therapy for treatment of neuroses, depression, hypotension, and other diseases; Restoration of health following recently endured communicable and somatic diseases; Increased bodily resistance to physical and mental overloads, and negative environmental effects; In sport - improved performance, resistance to strain, restoration of strength with increased physical loads; Prevention of alcohol and drug addiction; For elderly and aged persons; It may be successfully taken by drivers, flight personnel, traffic controllers, as well as other professional cohorts of people occupationally engaged in work requiring increased attention.9


Side effect and contraindications:

Rhodiola has been the subject of many clinical studies. No side effects or interactions have been reported. Animal studies indicate that rhodiola has a low level of toxicity. Don't take rhodiola during pregnancy or while breast-feeding. There is no information available about the safety of rhodiola in pregnancy or lactation. Insomnia may be a risk with high doses of rhodiola. A high dose is considered to be daily intakes of 1,500 to 2,000 mg and above of a Rhodiola rosea standardized extract. There are no well-known drugs or nutrient interactions associated with Rhodiola rosea. However, much remains to be learned about this herb and how it may interact with other adaptogens, such as Siberian ginseng, as well as with other dietary supplements.


Rhodiola or Ginseng?

Rhodiola rosea (Russian Rhodiola) has all the advantages of Ginseng and Eleutherococcus but lacks the tendency to cause over-excitement that may sometimes occur with ginseng, or constipation as sometimes occurs with eleutherococcus. Russian Rhodiola is FIVE times less potentially toxic, than Panax ginseng.




Deciding on what, and if, supplements to take can be a very hard task considering the large controversy between the business side of selling supplements and scientifically backed health benefits. Much research has proved that regular supplementation can prevent and increase resistance to a variety of diseases associated with old age and early mortality. There are, however, criteria which are used to assess the claims that a certain supplement is advantageous. These include a background of publications in scientific literature with results from controlled experiments; data from these experiments should be confirmed by independent investigators; a good understanding of the actions of the material in the body; if the supplement is a pure substance, assumption derived from food data are unreliable.


There is a fundamental difference between preventing disease and retarding aging. Vulnerability to any threats to your health doubles each 8 years. By disease prevention people will avoid certain conditions which would kill them early, but they would not actually break the maximum lifespan barrier, which calorie restriction does. Anti-aging is when the vulnerability doubles each 14 years instead of 8. Modern medical practitioners tend to over-recommend the use of certain drugs and supplements which have not stood the test of time and believe in theories rather than facts.

There are many herbs, which are used in anti aging treatments. The most commonly used herbs are listed below:

·                     Ginseng

·                     Rhodiola Rosea

·                     Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Jiaogulan)

·                     Ashwagandha

·                     MACA

·                     Grapes Seed Extract.

·                     Reishi Mushroom

·                     Jujube Fruit

·                     Lycii Berry

·                     Hu Zhang (Polygonum cuspidatum)


The “official” viewpoint on supplementation is expressed in the determination of the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs). In deciding on their values, there are six major criteria which are included: amount people consume normally of the nutrient; amount needed to avoid a particular disease; the adequacy of the physiological function in relation to the nutrient intake; amount of nutrient absorbed; studies determining the nutrient deficiency characteristics; and results from animal experiments. However, certain scientists have suggested a seventh, more reliable criterion to be used. It involves several different groups of animals from the same species being fed with different amounts of the nutrient and the RDA is set at the level fed to the group of animals which had the longest lifespan.


·         Ashwagandha is a traditional Indian Medicine that has been used for long time against infectious diseases. Superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase are some of the natural antioxidants present in it. It is very effective in following ways: Ashwagandha strengthens immune system.

·         Ashwagandha has multi purpose usage.

·         Ashwagandha is used for relieving stress, amnesia, fever, viral infections and acts as a natural antioxidant.

·         Ashwagandha stimulates the growth of axons and dendrites.

·         Ashwagandha has anti-anxiety and anti-depression effects.


There are several classes of supplements: antioxidants, phytochemicals, hormones and fatty acids. Antioxidants are by far the most potent anti-aging agents. The theory of free radicals and free radical scavengers (substances which break the chain of free radicals and disperse it) was developed as the most plausible theory of aging. Yet so far it has not been clearly proven that supplementation with antioxidants alone retards aging, so this theory can still be questioned. It is certain that taking antioxidants result in longer life and lower incidence of disease, but results have not shown the life expectancy barrier to rise. What is known is that antioxidants decrease disease susceptibility and must certainly be part of a healthy anti-aging diet. There is little doubt that supplements have various health benefits, but before deciding on the right combination of them, it is strongly recommended to undertake some research as to what has proved itself advantageous and what is only speculated upon. The calorie restriction method of anti-aging is certain to break the maximum lifespan barrier, but it has not become very popular for a number of reasons. This is why a lot of work has been put throughout history into finding the right anti-aging supplement, a so called “elixir of life”. Most evidence about supplements’ benefits is epidemiological and comes from a certain repeatedly observed situation. For example, it has been observed that a diet with a high intake of fruit results in less incidence of cardiovascular disease. Once there is an observation, scientists start by guessing which substance in fruits is responsible for this effect, isolating it and conducting numerous tests on it. First any substance is tested on animals and if the results are encouraging, a prospective human study may be conducted. However, it has become recognized that protective effects of fruit and vegetables occur at an intake in the range of two or threefold of the RDA amount.


The three antioxidants which are best known for their activity are Vitamins E and C and lipoic acid. Vitamin E is the most significant fat-soluble, chain-breaking antioxidant in human blood. Larger than RDA doses of vitamin E increase immune response and resistance to infection. It also exerts cancer-inhibiting effects and protects from toxic chemical agents (mercury, lead, ozone). A human diet should be supplemented with around 300 IU of vitamin E. Vitamin C, the primary water-soluble antioxidant obtained from food, is essential for many body functions, such as brain metabolism, carnitine synthesis and manufacturing connective tissue. Vitamin C is an effective scavenger of free radicals and protects against LDL cholesterol, but in some cases it might act as a pro-oxidant, a function which is counteracted by Vitamin E. It is very important that these vitamins should be supplemented together. Vitamin C has proven beneficial in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and immune enhancement. Around 500 mg of the ester form of the substance should be taken between meals. The third important antioxidant is alpha-lipoic acid

, which is both water and fat soluble. It plays a role in glucose metabolism, lowers oxidative stress and has shown to reverse age-related decline in mitochondrial functions. More studies are needed to determine lipoic acid’s health benefits and role in life extension, but for now it is best to take 120 mg daily. Phytochemicals are plant-derived chemicals, divided into six groups; their most potent activity is prevention of cancer. Flavonoids are poorly soluble compounds which comprise the yellow and red/blue pigments in fruits and vegetables. They have shown antioxidant properties connected to those of vitamin C, as well as anticancer activity. Phyto Estrogens are plant substances of different kinds (isoflavones, lignans) that have an estrogenic effect in the body, which are present largely in soy products and flax seed. There is evidence that they possess inhibitory properties to prostate, breast and colon cancer, as well as osteoporosis. Isothiocyanates are present in cruciferous vegetables and inhibit experimental cancer development by detoxifying the carcinogen and eliminating it; their benefits are mainly recognized in gastrointestinal and respiratory tract tumors. Diallylsulfides, present in garlic, onion, leeks and chives, have shown to reduce proliferation of cancer cells, particularly cancer of the stomach and colon. Carotenes, responsible for the green and yellow-red colors of flowers and vegetables, are hydrophobic substances whose antioxidant functions are in quenching the free radical known as singlet oxygen. Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and lycopene are the strongest antioxidants, which are also active in the prevention of certain types of cancer and macular degeneration of the eye.


Selenium is an element, component of one of the body’s natural antioxidant enzymes, glutathione, as well as a metabolic antagonist to mercury, lead, calcium and arsenic. Selenium acts to encourage the apoptosis of cancer cells and thus high selenium intake is associated with lower cancer susceptibility. 200 mcg. daily should be supplemented to achieve a cancer inhibitory effect. The B-vitamins, in particular B5. B6, B12 and Folic acid, are associated with lowering the levels of homocysteine, a risk factor for heart disease. Vitamin B5 is central to the energy-yielding oxidation of glucose products and it also enhances the ability to withstand stress. Coenzyme Q-10, which acts like a vitamin, plays a critical role in the respiratory chain providing energy, as well as possessing antioxidant properties. Much controversial research has been conducted on this substance, with different results, but it is suggested that CoQ10 is beneficial in the treatment and prevention of neurodegenerative disorders. Carnitine is a transport chemical required for the passage of fatty acids across cell membranes. Meat and diary products are major sources of carnitine which, when supplemented, improves stress tolerance, causes improvement in cognitive functions and has anti-fatigue effects.10


The herbal treatments have proved to be very effective for many reasons. The main thing that is attractive about the herbal treatments are they have less side effects and economical. But it will take time to get the intended results. The article discusses about ten top herbs that have proven their worth in maintaining the young look. This article covers:

·         What are herbs?

·         The most commonly used herbs for anti-aging

·         Effective herbs for anti aging


Herbs are plants with wide variety of nutrients in them effectively used for ages. The healing properties present in plants have acted as an active source of curing diseases. People are trying out herbal remedies from common cold to psoriasis and cancer. Constant research on herbs has revealed that they have active property in them, which acts as an anti aging agent. Different herbs have different anti aging property in them. Herbs are considered natural and non-toxic in nature. People opt for herbal remedy because they do not have permanent side effects. Today Herbs with anti aging properties are used in different forms like medicine, oil, soap bars, ointments, cream and gel. Various cosmetic companies, health spas and beauty therapist use herbs as an active anti aging ingredient in their product.



1.        Henman, Ian "Anti Aging Wrinkle Cream." Anti Aging Wrinkle Cream. 28 Feb. 2006. EzineArticles.com. 9 Jun 2009.

2.        Henman, I. (2006, February 28). Anti Aging Wrinkle Cream. Retrieved June 9, 2009.

3.        Maslova L.V. et al. (1994) "The cardioprotective and antiadrenergic activity of an extract of Rhodiola rosea in stress" Eksp Klin Farmakol, 57(6): 61-6.

4.        Petkov, V.D. et. al. (1986) "Effects of alcohol aqueous extract from Rhodiola rosea L. roots on learning and memory" Acta Physiol Pharmacol Bulg, 12(1): 3-16.

5.        Duhan, O.M. et al. (1999) "The antimutagenic activity of biomass extracts from the cultured cells of medicinal plants in the Ames test", Tsitol Genet, Nov-Dec 33(6): 19-25.

6.        Udintsev SN; et.al. (1991) "The role of humoral factors of regenerating liver in the development of experimental tumors and the effect of Rhodiola rosea extract on this process" Neoplasma, 38(3): 323-31.

7.        Bocharova OA et.al. (1995) "The effect of a Rhodiola rosea extract on the incidence of recurrences of a superficial bladder cancer (experimental clinical research)" Urol Nefrol (Mosk), Mar-Apr (2): 46-47.

8.        Salikhova RA et.al. (1997) "Effect of Rhodiola rosea on the yield of mutation alteration and DNA repair in bone marrow cells". Patol Fiziol Exsp Ter, Oct-Dec (4): 22-24.

9.        Linh PT et.al. (2000) "Quantitative determination of salidroside and thyrosol from the underground part of Rhodiola rosea by high performance liquid chromatography" Arch Pharm Res, Aug 23(4): 349-352.

10.     Brown RP, Gerbarg PL, Ramazanov Z. (2002) Rhodiola rosea: a phytomedicinal overview. Herbalgram, 56: 40–52.



Received on 26.11.2010

Accepted on 12.12.2010        

© A&V Publication all right reserved

Research J. Science and Tech.  3(1): Jan.-Feb. 2011: 1-11