2349-2988 (Online) 0975-4393 (Print)
Author(s): Ikewuchi Jude C, Ikewuchi Catherine C.
Views: 10 (pdf), 2469 (html)
Access: Open Access
Cite: Ikewuchi Jude C, Ikewuchi Catherine C.. Hypocholesterolaemic Effect of Aqueous Extract of Acalypha wilkesiana ‘Godseffiana’ Muell Arg on Rats Fed Egg Yolk Supplemented Diet: Implications for Cardiovascular Risk Management. Research J. Science and Tech. 2010; 2(4): 78-81 . doi:
Author(s): Ikewuchi Catherine C., Ikewuchi Jude C., Ifeanacho Mercy O., Igboh Ngozi M.
Views: 5 (pdf), 2235 (html)
Cite: Ikewuchi Catherine C., Ikewuchi Jude C., Ifeanacho Mercy O., Igboh Ngozi M.. Moderation of Blood Pressure Parameters of Normal and Sub Chronic Salt-Loaded Wistar Rats by an Aqueous Extract of the Rhizomes of Sansevierialiberica Gerome and Labroy (Agavaceae). Research J. Science and Tech. 6(1): Jan.-Mar. 2014; Page 06-12. doi:
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