Glycogen synthesis was studied using yeast. Yeast was grown at 300C. 4% Yeast cells and 0.1% glucose were used for glycogen synthesis. Different additives were attempted for enhancing glycogen synthesis. Some plant extracts, ayurvedic preparation and allopathic medicines were used as additives. Amla, jamun seed powder, karela, okra, neem, garlic, onion, ginger, coriander, cinnamon, jeera, insulin, ibuprofen, crocin and action 500 were used for enhancing glycogen synthesis. Insulin, neem extract and karela (bitter guard) have shown better glycogen synthesis. We have got 8.65, 17.05 and 7.94% glycogen synthesis respectively. Neem has shown maximum 17.05% synthesis. There is little increase in glycogen synthesis by cinnamon, jeera, crocin, action-500 and coriander. Amino peptidase was extracted from various plant sources. Onion (red), onion (white), soya bean, potato, etc. were used for extraction of amino peptidase. Hydrolysis of aspartame (ASTM) was carried out. Onion (red) has shown 5.94% hydrolysis when 0.0084% ASTM and enzyme from 0.8g source were used. Soya bean, potato and white onion (0.0084% ASTM and enzyme correspond to 0.4g source) have shown 17.08, 17.52 and 19.6% hydrolysis respectively. Potato and white onion have shown 26.36 and 31.63% hydrolysis respectively when 0.0084% ASTM and enzyme from 0.8g source were used. Maximum 31.63% hydrolysis is observed for white onion.
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Gaikwad Bhaskar G, Dwivedy Kritika R.. Study of Glycogen Synthase and Amino Peptidase. Research J. Science and Tech. 8(1): Jan.– Mar. 2016; Page 51-55. doi: 10.5958/2349-2988.2016.00007.3
Gaikwad Bhaskar G, Dwivedy Kritika R.. Study of Glycogen Synthase and Amino Peptidase. Research J. Science and Tech. 8(1): Jan.– Mar. 2016; Page 51-55. doi: 10.5958/2349-2988.2016.00007.3 Available on: https://rjstonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2016-8-1-7