Author(s): Abhishek, Rahul O. Vaishya


DOI: 10.5958/2349-2988.2021.00001.2   

Address: Abhishek*, Rahul O. Vaishya
Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, Punjab Engineering College (Deemed to be University), Chandigarh, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2021

Pyrex glass has a huge range of applications such as micro optics, mechanical inertial sensors, micro-pumps, micro fluidic devices, biochip etc because of its excellent physical and chemical properties such as high chemical resistance, heat resistance, high electrical isolation, large optical transmission range, biocompatibility, low thermal and electrical conductivity, good chemical stability. Due to the hardness and brittleness properties, Pyrex glass has poor mach inability. It is very complicated to machine Pyrex glass by using conventional processes. Travelling wire electrochemical spark machining (TW-ECSM) is an emerging technique for micromachining of non-conductive materials. In TWECSM, the material of the work piece is melted, vaporized and eroded due to the transmission of spark energy to the work piece. Surface roughness is a very important aspect if we are doing micro aching of a material. The literature reveals the work done by various researchers for the micromachining of Pyrex glass. However very less work has been done on Pyrex glass. So in this paper, work done by various researchers on Pyrex glass, Use of TW-ECDM for micro aching is reviewed, scopes for further research have been identified.

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Abhishek, Rahul O. Vaishya. Review on Micromachining of Pyrex glass using Wire-ECDM. Research J. Science and Tech. 2021; 13(1):1-7. doi: 10.5958/2349-2988.2021.00001.2

Abhishek, Rahul O. Vaishya. Review on Micromachining of Pyrex glass using Wire-ECDM. Research J. Science and Tech. 2021; 13(1):1-7. doi: 10.5958/2349-2988.2021.00001.2   Available on:

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