Author(s): Pawan S. Avhad, Revati Gupta, Swati S. Rawat, Raghvendra S. Dubey


DOI: 10.52711/2349-2988.2021.00020   

Address: Pawan S. Avhad1*, Revati Gupta1, Swati S. Rawat2, Raghvendra S. Dubey2
1Faculty of Pharmacy, Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam University, Indore, Dewas Bypass, Arandia, Indore -452016 (M.P.)
2Matoshri Institute of Pharmacy, Dhanore, Yeola, Nashik, 423401.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 13,      Issue - 2,     Year - 2021

Most popular and useful route of administration is oral one, among that mucoadhesive system is also preferable. This system is interact with mucus layer containing epithelial cell and mucin molecules which improves the contact time of dosage form, leading to improvement in both local and systemic effects. There are various routes of mucoadhesive drug delivery system, oral route is the most oldest and preferred by patient being convenient to use. However peroral route has some disadvantages such as hepatic first pass metabolism and enzymatic degradation in GIT which is a hindrance to the absorption of most proteins and peptides groups of drugs. The mucosa of the oral cavity contains an intimidating barrier to drug penetration, and one method of optimizing drug delivery is by the use of adhesive dosage forms and the mucosa is connected with various blood supplies by which it is permeable. This route has quick action, and good patient compliance with pediatric and old age patients. The buccal cavity is very easier for a bioadhesion system because of a smooth and relatively immobile surface and accessibility. Mucoadhesion can be achieved by using various mucoadhesive polymers. There are various types of mucoadhesive polymers which improves bioadhesion. Also various theories are referred to clear the concept of mucoadhesion, such as diffusion, facture, electronic and adsorption theories. This article contains definition, mechanism, advantage, and disadvantage. In this article we are going to overlook basic knowledge about mucoadhesion and its formulations.

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Pawan S. Avhad, Revati Gupta, Swati S. Rawat, Raghvendra S. Dubey. A Glance on Mucoadhesive System - Still more to Understand. Research Journal of Science and Technology. 2021; 13(2):133-1. doi: 10.52711/2349-2988.2021.00020

Pawan S. Avhad, Revati Gupta, Swati S. Rawat, Raghvendra S. Dubey. A Glance on Mucoadhesive System - Still more to Understand. Research Journal of Science and Technology. 2021; 13(2):133-1. doi: 10.52711/2349-2988.2021.00020   Available on:

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