Author(s): Vikas D. Mahajan, Habeeba S. Shaikh


DOI: 10.52711/2349-2988.2023.00006   

Address: Vikas D. Mahajan*, Habeeba S. Shaikh
Matoshri Institute of Pharmacy, Dhanore, Yeola, Maharashtra, India.
*Corresponding Author

Published In:   Volume - 15,      Issue - 1,     Year - 2023

This plant commonly referred to as "Black nightshade," Solanum nigrum Linn. (Solanaceae) it is widely used in traditional medicine in India and other parts of the world to treat liver conditions, chronic skin conditions (such as psoriasis and ringworm), inflammatory conditions, painful periods, fevers, diarrhoea, eye diseases, hydrophobia, etc. It has been discovered that Solanum nigrum contains compounds with anti-tumor action, such as total alkaloids, steroid alkaloids, steroidal saponins, and glycoprotein. The herb is utilised as a hepatoprotective in Indian traditional medicine. This plant have potential role as a multipurpose medicinal agent, we have investigated the phyto-pharmacological properties of the plant and compiled its comprehensive pharmacological uses in this review paper.

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Vikas D. Mahajan, Habeeba S. Shaikh. Solanum nigram - A Potential Medicinal Herb. Research Journal of Science and Technology 2023; 15(1):24-4. doi: 10.52711/2349-2988.2023.00006

Vikas D. Mahajan, Habeeba S. Shaikh. Solanum nigram - A Potential Medicinal Herb. Research Journal of Science and Technology 2023; 15(1):24-4. doi: 10.52711/2349-2988.2023.00006   Available on:

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